How to Build an MVP and Raise Funding in 2024
  • Updated : 04 Oct 2024

How to Build an MVP and Raise Funding in 2024

As competition is increasing rapidly in today’s world’s fast-moving startup industry, it is crucial to focus both on the speed and accuracy in the decision-making process regarding the product one wants to introduce to the market. To achieve the first goal, it is possible to follow the approach of creating an MVP, which can help in quickly testing ideas and attracting investors. MVP means that you offer your initial users and initial investors a thin slice of your vision that can be expanded based on users’ feedback.

By 2024 the continuous progress of technology and the evolving expectations and demands of the investors call for a proper strategy in order to build a Minimal Viable Product and raise funding. In this article, you will discover what an MVP is, how to create one, and why it is a valuable tool in your quest for funding for your startup.

Understanding the MVP Concept

MVP means a product that is equipped with a set of features necessary for first-time users and can be used to fine-tune the application in the future. It assists new businesses to avoid designing features that the customer is not going to use, hence saving more time and money.

Key aspects of an MVP:

Core functionality: The primary point of interest should be on the key aspect that can help the users in their daily tasks.

Cost efficiency: GROW IT, if possible with bare minimum infrastructure.

User feedback loop: Develop a way to gather information as well as feedback from the early users.

Why an MVP is Essential for Startups

The role of a startup has become more competitive in the year 2024. To this end, they are seeking a confirmation of viability, which an MVP affords to a business. Here's why an MVP is crucial:

Proof of market demand: Proves that your product has demand, or can prove people are willing to pay for it.

Faster time to market: A lean product implies that the company can get into the market with the product and this makes it more competitive.

Reduces risk: It enables you to validate hypotheses and make changes if needed without committing a lot of time and resources in the development phase.

Attracts investors: An MVP provides investors with tangible products that they can assess thus raising your chances of attracting investment capital.

An app development company can be instrumental in achieving this, as they have the technical expertise to build scalable MVPs that meet market demands.

Step-by-Step Process of Building an MVP

Identify the Problem and Define the Target Audience

In defining the problem that your product is going to solve, make sure you do this before the first line of coding or before you set up your first prototype. Knowing the afflictions in the life of the audience is one way to come up with a product that will create value in their lives. Understand the market to know where there is a gap to fill and who is your best customer which is also known as ICP.

Key actions:

Carry out a survey or an interview of the potential users.

Take a closer look at the actions taken by your rivals and find out their shortcomings.

Underline the tangible benefits you will offer to your customers and include it in the value proposition statement.

Prioritize Features

While creating an MVP, one has to understand that the more features does not mean the better will be the product. Try to see and achieve the core value of the product which the customer is getting. The initial step is to come up with a list of all the requirements that can be included in the software’s development before categorizing them according to their relevance to the user and the business. Do not overload the product with numerous functions adding more complexity than is necessary to solve the main issue.

Key actions:

Another example is MoSCoW technique which stands for Must, Should, Could, Won’t which can also be used to rank features.

Make the orientation of the product very easy so that the users do not struggle when using it.

Create a Prototype

Now, When you have set the priorities among the basic functions, it is recommended to create a prototype. The prototype can easily be defined as a preliminary model which has the following key strengths. failed experience design which aids in UX testing, product realization which enables one to visualize the commercially viable product, and early testing which aids in collecting first impressions of the MVP. Figma and Adobe XD as well as Sketch are perfect tools when it comes to creating interactive prototypes.

Key actions:

Those are low-fidelity wireframes to begin with, and possibly change to high-fidelity prototypes a little bit further down the line.

Testing your prototype with a few members of the target demographic to determine if the design is what they expected.

Develop the MVP

With a prototype alongside you and specific features defined it’s time to proceed with the creation of the MVP. The essence here is to build a product that addresses the main issue in the simplest way possible, and make the product reliable and fast.

Key actions:

Make sure the development process is done with a small, flexible team in order to quickly finish the product.

There are frameworks and tools that enable fast development, use available technologies to boost the process.

Be sure that the resulting product is extensible and can be expanded in the future and with new releases.

Test and Launch

However, when the MVP is complete then its testing is required. Release it to a small group of testers better still, the first adopters who are always ready to give feedback. One has to make sure that they record metrics that should help in the enhancement process including user interactions, feature utilization, and the retention levels. App development services are key, offering tools and frameworks to collect feedback and iterate quickly on your MVP.

Key actions:

Conduct experiments based on changing one or more features or UX components using an A/B testing method.

Collect the qualitative and quantitative data from the surveys, interviews and the analysis.

Be ready to adapt depending on users’ feedback and the results obtained.

Using an MVP to Raise Funding in 2024

Craft a Compelling Pitch

When this is achieved, especially when the firm, a working MVP and initial findings, it is then time to seek investors. The secret of the fundraising is the story that describes the challenge of your product, the market, and the growth of your MVP.

Key elements of a successful pitch:

Problem and solution: State the issue very clearly and how you do it in a better way than the competitors.

Market opportunity: Emphasize on the size of the market coupled with the market growth trend.

Traction: Showcase any early traction, including user growth, feedback, or partnerships. Even a small, loyal user base can make a strong case. 

Revenue model: Demonstrate how you plan to make money. Investors need to see a clear path to profitability.

Team: Some of the most crucial investments that an investor can make involve people as much as they invest in products.

Target the Right Investors

It is, therefore, important to understand that investing is not for everyone, and thus not all investors are equal. That is, some target particular sectors while others target Seed and early-stage ventures. Identify other investors that have invested in firms in your niche and ensure that you orient yourself to their investments.

Key actions:

Create a portfolio of investors that are interested in your business industry and the level of development that your business is at.

Network through attending meetings, selling events, startup meetings, and pitch competitions for visibility.

A few famous platforms on which one can locate the potential investors are AngelList, Crunchbase, and LinkedIn among others.

Demonstrate Traction

Investors that are going to invest in 2024 care more about data and, most importantly, scalable solutions. They want to ensure that your MVP has the potential of growing into a full-fledged product with a huge user traffic.

Key metrics to highlight:

User growth: Ensure that there is a constant growth of the users with time even though it may start from a small population.

Retention rate: Assuring the clients that they are still in touch with the product is another key aspect that needs to be proven as well.

Revenue (if applicable): If you have a paid feature in MVP, then point out any revenues or the paid user base.

Market feedback: Word of mouth, referrals and or previous successes such as good reviews, customer endorsements or other affiliations may increase credibility among the investors.

Leverage Funding Platforms and Accelerators

Thus, in 2024, it is possible to start a business using crowdfunding platforms and startup accelerators as the main ways for obtaining initial financing. Another important source to raise seed capital and equally important to check demand viability, some of them are Kickstarter, Indiegogo and GoFundMe. Hatcheries including Y Combinator and Accel Companion merely offer seed cash investments to startups, but also give access to experienced advisers and valuable networking.

Key actions:

Identify which platform is best suited for you, your product as well as the targeted audience.

There is a need to formulate a great campaign that has value proposition, demo videos, and well-developed milestones.

Want to join startup accelerators that operate within your sector of business and your firm’s development level.

In 2024, there are trends that will define how startups develop the MVP and source for funding. Being aware of these trends can help you stay ahead:

AI and automation: AI tools are being used efficiently by young businesses to improve the products MVP, testing and scaling stage.

Decentralized finance (DeFi): There is a possibility that blockchain and decentralized finance applications are opening other avenues through which young companies can seek financing beyond funding from venture capital firms.

Sustainability: Potential investors are paying more attention to the eco-friendly and socially conscious young businesses. If your product aligns with these values, make it a key point in your pitch.

Final Words

Building an MVP and fundraising in 2024 should be done systematically to ensure the product is improving constantly at the same time, and must align to the market needs. Essentially, focusing on a fundamental problem, iterating, and demonstrating some initial success help in building a strong narrative for investors to buy into. By having the right MVP and a good pitch deck, your startup can attract the necessary funding to grow and thrive in a challenging environment.

Build an MVP and Raise Funding in 2024 with Digittrix

Creating a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is crucial for validating your idea and attracting investors. An MVP focuses on core functionalities that address key user needs, allowing you to test market viability with minimal investment. It should include essential features that demonstrate your app's value proposition, such as intuitive design, core functionalities, and scalability.

To ensure a successful MVP, choose a development partner with a proven track record. Digittrix, a leading mobile app development company with 14 years of experience, excels in transforming ideas into functional MVPs. Our expert developers are skilled in delivering user-friendly, efficient solutions that meet market demands.

If you're looking to build an MVP and secure funding, contact Digittrix today. Our expert technical managers will guide you through the process, from concept to execution, helping you raise the capital you need. Schedule your appointment or book a consultation by calling +91 8727000867

For more information or to discuss your project, write to us at

Let Digittrix help you turn your vision into a successful MVP and attract the funding you need.

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Written by Vandana Abrol
An enthusiastic developer and skilled business management expert with over a decade of experience in the field

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Table of contents

    Frequently Asked Questions

    In app development, MVP stands for Minimal Viable Product which is usually a product which includes the basic features necessary to solve major issues of its users. It assists businesses to launch their ideas, receive feedback, and draw target investors’ attention without significant costs or time.

    MVPs enable startups to prove their business models by investing as little as possible. This also lets them know the market acceptance or rejection of what they offer, introduce changes to meet the market requirements, minimize risks, and obtain the attention of investors by offering a working model.


    The steps towards creating an MVP are understanding the problem, determining who will be using your product, selecting the most important functions, coming up with a design of the product, making a product and taking feedback from early users.

    Investors consider MVP as the best since it gives them a physical of what the start-up has in mind. An MVP provides evidence that the launched product targets the needs of consumers and clients; it indicates that the developers can attract clients and make them generate profit, which is crucial for startups if they want to attract investment funding.

    In 2024, some features of MVPs are going to be AI/automation integrations, DeFi for financing, and environmental sustainability because green products attract investors’ attention.


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