girl and a boy engaged in a video call, discussing about buiding a video call app using WebRTC
  • Created :20 Oct 2024

Building Next-Gen Video Call App with WebRTC

This research focuses on the importance of communication among individuals, businesses, and in the modern world where technology has become an essential part of our lives. Video calling applications have nowadays become necessary and common in personal and business communication to provide real-time communication with more appeal. WebRTC is one of the most commonly used technologies for building next-generation video call apps. This is an open-source development that allows voice, video, text, and document transfer in real time without any third-party plugin.

The customisation of mobile apps has added yet another layer advancing the ability to connect and customise to the needs of a business. In the health sector, education sector, and even the new order of working at home, app development services use WebRTC to design interactive, flexible, and dependable applications for video calls. In this article, we’re going to discuss what WebRTC is, how WebRTC makes next-gen video call applications possible, and the implementation for creating WebRTC video call applications.

What is WebRTC?

WebRTC is an open-source software that allows two individuals to communicate directly through a browser. It enables users to transmit and share text, audio, video, and data streams inside the client application using browsers without any plugins or other additional software tools. As we have seen earlier, WebRTC integration is compatible with some of the widely-used web browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and other modes.

The most important benefit of using WebRTC is that users can have almost immediate communication, thus being able to have a video call right away. This has made WebRTC the go-to technology for custom mobile app development especially when creating apps for teleconferencing, online classes, gaming, and healthcare.

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Why Use WebRTC for Video Call App?

In the case of video call applications, Web Real-Time Communication has several key advantages, which make it unique in comparison to other technologies. Here’s why app development services are increasingly opting for WebRTC:

Real-Time Communication

It comprises WebRTC which supports real-time audio and video streaming to optimize the experience of users. It is crucial in video call apps because users expect fast and high-output response times during a conversation.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Another important power of WebRTC is that it can support one platform on the other or be used on different platforms smoothly. If your users are connected to a PC, a laptop, or a smartphone or tablet, WebRTC functions across PCs on different operating systems and across different types of devices. This flexibility, in turn, makes it possible for developers in mobile app development that can support Android, iPhone, Windows, and even Mach operating systems without the need for further plugins.

Security and Encryption

Nowadays, everybody knows that the world is very insecure and only a few applications that deal with sensitive data do not have to put their security in check. We specifically liked that WebRTC has implemented security mechanisms that protect all the media streams as well as data transfer. Especially for companies dealing with the development of applications, this is a crucial function in protecting users during video calls.

Reduced Costs

WebRTC is open source which thus does not require costly third-party software or license charges. This in turn lowers the overall costs of development, but without a compromise towards the communication experience. In any event, whether you are reconstructing from the ground up as a start-up company that requires the help of custom mobile app development, or as an already set-up business firm, WebRTC is a cost-efficient factor.


The user audience of the application is constantly expanding, so you need a video call application that will be able to work with a larger number of users without any problems. WebRTC allows for the building of scalability applications where developers can increase their capability along with the increasing number of users. This expandability is one of the reasons app developers prefer WebRTC for creating video call applications.

Easy Integration with Other Services

WebRTC should be used in conjunction with other web services cloud storage, artificial intelligence speech recognition and analysis, and other tools that would be beneficial to your video call application. This opens up space for developers to offer very specific and sophisticated solutions for companies that require more than the standard set of video calling capabilities.

How Does WebRTC Work?

At its core, WebRTC depends on three main components:

GetUserMedia API: This API makes it possible for the application to use the camera and the microphone of the user to record audio/video.

RTCPeerConnection API: This also allows for communication between users directly to and from and manages the exchange of media streams and data.

RTCDataChannel API: This API is used to share information with peers files and messages included.

When these components are combined together the functionality of WebRTC enables wonderful audio, video, and transferring of data which is crucial to the development of a highly specific custom mobile app that will contain next-generation video call applications.

With the use of WebRTC, we know the advantages that can be achieved from this technology. It is time to consider the process of developing the next-generation video call app with WebRTC. Below is a simplified overview of the key steps involved:

Define the App Requirements

When starting to work on the video call application development, it is essential to set out the basic functionalities of the video call application. They may include one-click video calls, group calls, screen calls, text and file messaging, and screenwriting among others. They are useful in helping those who offer app development services to establish a map for developing applications.

Choose the Right Framework

Therefore, WebRTC can be implemented with different web and mobile frameworks because WebRTC is quite flexible. Some of the developments about the platform are React native, flutter, and ionic which can be used to develop mobile applications that can run across the two platforms. Choosing which framework fits best into the needs of the particular project is a good starting point.

Set Up the Backend

The signaling functions, user registration, and call management are handled by the backend. WebRTC to WebRTC interaction requires the signaling server for message passing between the communicating partners. This can be done using WebSockets or via a third-party signaling service such as Firebase, Twilio, etc. It is also responsible for developing and disconnecting back calls.

Implement WebRTC APIs

The second step is to implement the WebRTC APIs, once the backend for your application is already defined. You will use the GetUserMedia API to enable users to capture from the camera and record with a microphone. The RTCPeerConnection API is used to create the link between users and to manage media stream exchange. Finally, make use of RTCDataChannel API to enable the exchange of different information between peers including messages and file transfers.

Integrate Additional Features

To make it more like a complete video calling application, you may use features such as chat, file sharing, screen sharing, or even real-time translation. App development services also can include analytics to track the quality of the call and the usability of an application.

Test and Optimize

The efficiency of the developed video call app expands the need for a series of tests that need to be conducted before deploying the application. The next step would be to stress test the application through random device tests and different networks as well as user amounts. It can be said that this helps to guarantee that an application offers a trouble-free implementation of its functions, especially when it is actively used.

Deploy the App

When your app is ready for testing, it’s time for you to release it on the App Store Google Play, or even to web users. You can also go further to increase the app by asking users for their feedback.

Use Cases of WebRTC in Video Call App

WebRTC solutions can be applied in the world of telemedicine and the educational process. Let's find some of the most common use cases where custom mobile app development has utilized WebRTC to build a next-gen video call app:


Considering the increased demand for remote healthcare solutions, applications in telemedicine are becoming increasingly popular. WebRTC keeps doctors and patients connected in real time for virtual consultations, preventing individuals from having to visit a clinic. Telemedicine app development services regularly use WebRTC in applications for secure video calling.


With the help of WebRTC, several online education platforms are providing real and interactive classes. In 

student-teacher studying sessions or large-lecture situations, WebRTC makes certain that students and teachers can have a live video conferencing capability with minimal delay and high-quality streaming video.

Remote Work and Collaboration

As remote work becomes more prevalent, companies are adopting video-calling apps to facilitate collaboration between teams. WebRTC-powered platforms like Zoom and Google Meet enable perfect video communication and features. Screen sharing that improves productivity


In the gaming industry, WebRTC is used to create real-time multiplayer games with audio and video communication features. Players can connect during the game. It enhances the interactive experience.

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The Future of WebRTC in Video Call App

The future of WebRTC looks bright, especially as businesses embrace it. Looking for custom mobile app development to create a video call app with advanced functionality? AI-powered features like real-time translation, voice recognition, and facial expression analysis. It is integrated with WebRTC-based applications making it smarter and easier to use.

Additionally, with the advent of 5G technology, video calling apps are also expected to have lower latency and better video quality. Enhancing user experience, WebRTC for app development services will be a key technology for building scalable, high-performance communication apps.

Final Words

With WebRTC, we've changed the way video call apps are built. It provides a powerful, flexible, and secure solution for real-time communications. Because various businesses increasingly focus on custom mobile app development. To create customized solutions, WebRTC continues to be at the forefront of innovation in this space. With its flexible, affordable, and secure features, WebRTC is the technology of choice for app development services that want to build next-generation video calling apps that meet the evolving needs of users and industries.

Build A Video Call App Using WebRTC With Digittrix

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, real-time video communication is essential for perfect collaboration and user attention. At Digittrix, we specialize in building custom, next-gen video call applications using WebRTC technology that integrates effortlessly into your mobile or web platform. These cutting-edge video solutions offer instant customer support, real-time team collaboration, and enhanced user experiences.

Whether your business needs a secure video communication tool for internal teams or customer interaction, our experienced developers can design and implement a custom WebRTC solution for you. With 14 years of expertise, Digittrix ensures that your app stays ahead of the competition by leveraging the latest in video communication technology.

If you’re looking to build a video call app and need guidance on how to get started, schedule a consultation with our expert technical managers by calling +91 8727000867

or email us at for any queries.

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Written by Harsh Abrol
With Over 14 years of Experience in the IT Field, Helping Companies Optimise there Products for more Conversions

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communications) is an open-source technology that enables real-time audio video. Direct data sharing between browsers or devices without the need for third-party plugins. This is where video calling applications are important because they have low latency. High-quality communication Cross-platform compatibility and built-in security protocols.


    WebRTC allows for integration into mobile apps. It provides real-time communication capabilities, such as video calls. Voice calling and information sharing This is very useful for developing custom mobile applications. Because it provides flexibility expandability and affordable solutions to design and build apps for specific user needs


    WebRTC comes with a built-in security protocol that encrypts media streams and data transfers. This ensures secure communication. This makes it the preferred choice for app development services when creating video-calling apps that prioritize user privacy and data protection.


    WebRTC is supported in most major web browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge. It is also compatible with a variety of operating systems, including Android, iOS, Windows, and macOS, making it ideal for Developing a cross-platform video-calling app.



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