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Build a App Like Filo : Connecting Students with Teachers on Demand
  • Updated : 03 Sep 2024

Build a App Like Filo : Connecting Students with Teachers on Demand

In today’s world of rush and with the advanced usage of information technology, such services can be demanded at any given time. Filo is just one of the apps that the students have benefited from when it comes to getting help with doubts and assignments, and learning from teachers in instant mode. Below is a guide on how to create an app like Filo which gives the necessary features, advantages, and the things that you should bear in mind. This makes it possible to develop the platform in a manner that will create a lot of appeal to students so as to enable the delivery of education to them in the most efficient manner.

Key features

Key features of an educational app should include interactive content that engages users and personalized learning paths tailored to individual needs. Additionally, seamless integration with progress tracking and feedback mechanisms enhances the learning experience and helps users achieve their educational goals.

Instant Connectivity

The primary function of an application similar to Filo is the possibility to find a suitable teacher within a few minutes. Such real time connectivity means that the students always get help, when they need it, without being put on hold.

User-Friendly Interface

The app needs to be intuitive allowing students to search and find their tutor comfortably. The interface should be easy to navigate, not much stress should be demanded from students to find out and communicate with educators.

Secure Payment Gateway

Using a payment gateway is crucial in integrating security to enhance the flow of transactions. In this feature, it is easy for students to make payments for the tutoring sessions, and their financial details are secure.

Rating and Review System

A strong rating and reviewing system permits a student to rate his/her tutor, and thus aid others to select the right tutor, based on other students’ experiences. This system also has the advantage of insisting that teachers provide quality service provision.

Availability and Scheduling

It should have functionalities that show the teachers’ schedule and such that enable students to book sessions at their own time. This feature makes time to be easily manageable by both the students and the teachers.

Multi-Platform Accessibility

However, for the convenience of the users who may require the app to be available across devices such as Smartphones, tablets, should be developed across the App store, Google Play store and even the web app. Engaging a specialist educational app development company would be the perfect start since they would be aware that the company requires development across multiple platforms.

Chat and Video Call Options

Providing the chat and video call options is a way to make a call gives the student an instructional way of communicating. This makes learning to be flexible and to suit all individuals that have different modes of understanding and grasping issues.

Subject and Tutor Search

The application should offer a robust search option whereby the students will be able to search for the tutors in relation to the subjects they are qualified in and the experience they hold. This feature guarantees that the students are placed with the right tutor in line with the needs of the students.

Interactive Whiteboard

An interactive whiteboard is something every educational mobile application should implement. This tool assists teachers to explain concepts more by use of graphics, this can help the students to make more sense of the whole thing. That your app supports drawing on the whiteboard, and annotation, collaboration in real-time.

Push Notifications

Students are able to receive push notifications on session reminders, availability for tutor and new features among others. Such notices are effective to keep students engaged and they should not miss any session.

Analytics and Reporting

To perform and session reports as well as to analytic can be helpful for students and educators if they need some information on such fields. This feature assists the rating of the effectiveness of performance and pinpointing the need to improve learning.

Why Should One Go for Professional Educational App Development?

Creating a high quality app for education is not as simple as coming up with the idea as it calls for a combination of education and IT professions. Involving an educational app development organization also guarantees the development of an application with components that are sturdy and can expand and meet user satisfaction.

A professional software development company knows the subtleties of creating educational technologies and will be able to add features that will allow the tutor to be chosen by an artificial intelligence, build analytical dashboards for tracking the effectiveness of students, and additional elements of fun to make users like video games. Also, they can guarantee the quality of your education mobile apps and their compatibility with various gadgets and operation systems.

Mobile apps that will shape future of education

While education is not static, and is in a constant state of enhancement, the need for the arising inventions such as the online tutoring apps will rise as well. When you construct an app similar to Filo, you are creating an application that is not merely popular currently but forms an essential part of the future learning process. Aim at providing your app with the right features and expounding more on the usability aspect, and you will have students across the globe using it as more than just a tool.

It is important to pay attention to the trends of educational technology practices when designing your application. Some of these include incorporation of artificial intelligence in the auto suggestive content, virtual classes and block chain based credentials. You will thus be in a position to provide a unique and valuable service since all these are current state-of-the-art features.

Developing an app that is similar to Filo needs a well thought out strategy, focus on the target market- the students, and the right technology skills. To achieve these, students and teachers require an app that has been developed by a professional educational app development company. Depending on whether you intend to provide users with an instant access to tutoring or provide them with scheduling facility or both, your app will make it possible to revolutionize the process of learning almost at its fundamental level as well as the ways teachers perform their work. Even in education, the right features and the focus on quality make your education mobile apps the foundation of modern learning, where students can get the help they need at the right time.

Build a ON-Demand Educational App with Digittrix

An educational app is essential for organized learning and accessible content. It should have an intuitive interface, search functionality, note-taking features, and a progress dashboard. For a user-friendly experience, choose an app with simple menus, interactive tools, and positive user reviews. If you want to develop your app like this contact Digittrix.

Build an educational app with us , We are a leading mobile app development Company with 14 years of Experience and having expert mobile developers at DIGITTRIX!

If you too want to build a app and are unsure of how to begin the process, schedule your appointment or book your consultation today with our expert technical managers by calling +91 8727000867

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digittrix development experience more than 10 years

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Written by Harsh Abrol
With Over 14 years Experience in IT Field , Helping Companies to Optimise there Products for more Conversions

Table of contents

    Frequently Asked Questions

    These are few called features which are required to be implemented in an app similar to Filo; Connection Request, The Client Interface and security, Payment gateway, Rating and Review, Availability and Schedule, Cross-Platform, Calling features, Tutor and Subject Finder, Notification System, Informative and Analytical Reports.

    Select an education mobile app development company that has experience in app development, portfolio, and offers cross-platform solution service. This is also important to make them realize your educational app’s customer requirement precisely.

    An app similar to Filo should be developed on Android, iOS as well as should be accessible on web too, in order to cover the whole area of reach. This makes the product easily accessible to not only a large number of students but educators as well.

    Users are notified on session reminders, availability of tutors and new features in the app by push notifications. They assist in the upkeep of the students’ interest and make certain learners remain on top of the learning calendar.

    It is a good practice to provide an enhanced payment gateway so that students can make their payments without too much of a fuss and safely. It shields monetary data and establishes a relationship of confidence between the application and the end-users.


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